Now you will be able to use Netflix in Hindi also.

After a long time, Netflix has finally launched the user interface in Hindi for Indian users in its new update. After that, you will find it in the Hindi language. It was launched in 2016 in India.

This Hindi interface will be made available for the world. You will be able to use it in Hindi wherever you are.

In addition to the Hindi language, Netflix is ​​streaming in 26 languages. Indonesia, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German. Supports even more languages. Since Hindi is the most used language in India, so this update will give a great experience to Indian users.

You will be able to use this Hindi version of Netflix on your mobile, TV, and computer.

To use the Hindi language in your device. You have to change it from your profile settings. For which you will have to go to Manage Profiles in your Netflix and then you can choose Hindi by going to the languages. And after this, the user interface of your Netflix will change in Hindi.

In this setting of Netflix, if you have chosen Hindi in your account, then only you will be able to watch it in Hindi. There will be no impact on other users associated with this account. Their interface will not be changed.

So now enjoy your Netflix in the Hindi user interface.

~Team Blogglance

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